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City of Los Angeles
Business Tax

We have been receiving this question from our clients quite frequently.

I received a City of LA Business Tax letter, saying I may need to pay more taxes for this.  I'm an actor, and used your services for (Tax Year(s) _____).  Can you please tell me how I should proceed with this?


Your Client

our general statement on the problem.

We do not consider this an income tax issue and therefore believe this problem is beyond the standard scope of our business.   Therefore any information we provide is for information only and any conclusions we reach are an opinion only.  You should not consider it to be a legally binding statement.  

Even though we are trying to present the most accurate understanding we can, we consider the problem as fluid (changing) because we have learned the information our clients have received from City employees may differ from what we are presenting below (quite possibly an error on the part of the employees).


The first thing you should do is file for the exemption credit for 2007.  You have until February 28th to register with the city so that they have a record just in case you receive income under a 1099 or cash during this year.  Even if you have no anticipation of receiving this kind of income, we urge you to register.  Otherwise the city clerks will believe they have the right to harass you for not having a license in a year or two when they receive information from the state regarding who filed their taxes using a Schedule C in 2007.  You can use the link below to the City's website to do this on-line. 

Good luck in understanding the directions.


And now, to what this is all about:

Under no circumstances should you directly quote the following information as a legal source because this is an opinion only.  

For a complete, albeit confusing, "official" representation from the city, we urge you to visit the following City website:



When you earn any income by cash or check (i.e. without deductions taken as an employee) for tax purposes this income is considered as earnings received as an "independent contractor."  Under IRS rules you are forced to report that income to the Federal Government on a Schedule C "Business Income or Loss" form.  If you file a tax return in California a copy of your completed Federal forms is almost always sent in to the State of California to validate the return you are sending to the state thereby giving the state a copy of the Schedule C you filed to report the cash income to the IRS. 

About five years ago several cities within California lobbied the state legislature for the release of certain information from state returns that would assist them in tracking down individuals who were “doing business” in their cities without paying a business tax through the purchase of a business license. This legislation was passed. 

The cities then make use of this information as they please. In the case of the city of Los Angeles they compare this data against their Business tax license records and, if you aren't listed, the computer generates a letter demanding you answer their form and purchase a business license claiming that because you filed a Schedule C on your Federal tax return you are doing business in the city limits.  

Despite how they represent themselves on the letter, they DO NOT learn how much you made nor do they learn the occupation you have placed on the Schedule C.  The ONLY information they are aware of; simply that you filed a Schedule C and therefore supposedly consider yourself an independent contractor on your tax forms, and that you live or worked in the city of Los Angeles.  Although you might consider even this limited release of your personal finances an intrusion into what is supposed to be confidential tax information (an issue which to our knowledge has never been legally challenged) the cities have been given no additional details.  

This explains why you received the threatening "Final Notice" letter from the city of LA.  Ultimately, the City of LA is demanding you have a business license to pursue work as an independent contractor and pay additional taxes on the income you may have generated.  

All because someone paid you in cash whether you actually sought the work as an independent contractor or not.  

Our argument is that an actor normally seeks work under a W-2 as an employee and if they are paid in cash it is not usually the intention of the performer.


How Do I Handle This Problem? 

Obviously the first quandary is that although Federal tax laws demand you use a Schedule C with the heading "Business Income," the use of those forms does not necessarily indicate that you consider yourself a business nor that you actually sought out compensation as an independent contractor.  This is simply the position taken by the city.  That opinion may work in general but it does not always apply in every specific situation, such as the life of an actor/performer. 

The alleged purpose of the business license is to allow you to pursue business within the boundaries of the city seeking income as an independent contractor.  Obviously most businesses are doing exactly that.  On the other hand, actors (in general) are not.  When an actor receives income as an independent contractor it is usually the exception rather than the rule, simply a by-product of their search for work rather than their standard method of payment.   

EXAMPLE: One of our clients was reimbursed $75 dollars for gas costs while doing an Equity Waiver play and reported that income on her Federal tax return.  Two years later she was told by a city clerk she owed close to $300 in license, tax and penalties because she had "been doing business in the city of Los Angeles without a license."

Most actors pursue union contract employment, which demands that they be paid as employees.  However, if you shoot a commercial you may be asked to agree to print advertising or personal appearances as part of the campaign. This income is almost always paid as a non-employee, and/or reported on a 1099-MISC, which requires that the income be reported on a Schedule C.  If you perform in an Equity waiver production, Equity demands that you receive compensation for your travel expenses, and other minor costs, and this is also paid in cash (remember the term “paid in cash” in this context includes being paid by cash OR check with no taxes being taken out) and this income too, small or large, must be reported on a Schedule C.  In the situations indicated above you didn’t seek out the print work and the subsequent payment process; it was a by-product of your normal employee compensation.   

The essential point is that almost all actors do not pursue work as an independent contractor but, because the state labor board is not able to properly enforce the state labor mandates, many companies compensate actors for the very same work they normally perform as employees by paying in cash. It is not the actors' fault that the employers are continually allowed to get away with breaking the law.  (But interestingly you are also not allowed to work without being compensated—by those same laws.) 

Therefore, it is our opinion: 

As actors do not normally pursue work as independent contractors they should not be required to purchase a business license to seek work in the city of Los Angeles.  Yet actors are supposed to have purchased a business license just in case an employer decided, on their own without the input from the actor, that they will pay in cash.  An actor could have very well received less income for the work (i.e. through involvement in an Equity Waiver production) than the minimum cost of the business license. Surely it should not be the policy of the city to drive the industry out of the area just because the governmental agencies in charge of overseeing employment standards are inefficient in performing their responsibilities.   

The answer clearly is that although the computer may spit out a letter stating otherwise, the policy that the city is attempting to force upon actors isn't valid for our unique situation. 

In 2005 the City Council, with the urging of the Writers Guild (WGA) and S.A.G., came to the same conclusion.  They changed the law, first raising the initial tax exemption to a $50,000 exemption starting in July of 2005 and then allowing a TOTAL exemption for all Entertainment Related individuals who grossed up to $300,000 starting January 2006.  The one caveat was a requirement that you must “register” with the city by February 28th of each year to qualify for the exemption if you intend to perform self-employed work.   

However, as we stated, most actors/performers do not seek or intend to perform self-employed work, it is simply a by-product of their job search.  Ergo, most performers have no idea of that they should register at all and why should they register if they have no intention of seeking the work.  Plus, what happens if they don’t register but ultimately learn after the deadline that they will be paid in cash for their work? 

The city has stated that if you receive cash for your services after January of 2006 but haven’t pre-registered, you have thirty days to register and still be in compliance with the new ordinance passed by the city council.  The exact quote from the office of the General Manager of the City Finance Department stated this: 

  1.  If a creative artist is paid on a 1099 form and files a Schedule C on their Federal and State income tax returns, the City considers that person to be engaged in business.  The person is given the month in which they start in business, to the end of the following month to obtain a Business Tax Registration Certificate.  

Further, they indicated that what substantiates their “right” to pursue you for a license in 2006 is simply their belief that you had a requirement to purchase a license in 2005:

  1. Effective with the 2006 renewal year, based on the 2005 receipts, a creative artist with qualifying creative activities of $300,000 or less, would be eligible for the creative artist exemption.  However, in order to qualify for this exemption, the creative artist must register and report any back years, if applicable, by February 28, 2006.

And although they have always neglected to do their due diligence to inform the performing community of this requirement, they still believe they have the right to go after the "taxes" (and penalties and interest) for past years despite the exemption from the City Council from 2006 on. 


Obviously it is rather hypocritical for the city council to admit they made a mistake regarding individuals in the entertainment industry and correct it for 2006 onward, but still pursue them for prior years.  We suggest you indicate this when you send in your response to their demand letter. 

THE RULES (as we understand them)

Apparently if you made less than $5,000 and/or worked less than 7 days in total during the year, there is no requirement to pay any additional tax and you may possibly be exempt from having to purchase the license as well.  In other words, if you fall within these requirements you may not have to pay anything at all.   

It is also our understanding that the city has not been given any information as to the amount of income you have claimed on your return nor the type of business you stated on your tax return. (We have no intention of suggesting you misrepresent yourself or your income to the city, we just think you should know what they do and/or don’t know about your information.) 

However, if you make less than $5,000 during the year (gross income) but worked MORE than 7 days, the city may still be able to claim you should purchase the license, which we understand costs about $105, but there is no additional tax due.  However, they will try to tack on a penalty fee for not having purchased the license during the original year and sometimes this can be as great as the original license fee. The result is that in some cases the city is trying to charge someone possibly $200 or more for a license and penalties when they may have made as little as a few hundred dollars which they reported on a Federal Schedule C simply because they were legally forced to under IRS rules.     

And obviously if you made more than $5,000 and worked more than seven days, you are supposed to pay for the license and then additional taxes on the income you earned ABOVE $5,000 before 2005.


While what we have presented may be valid arguments for actors who are not normally seeking employment as independent contractors, little of this applies for almost any other employment such as acting teachers, research assistants, photographers, some personal assistants (which should be paid on a W-2 as well), carpenters or most other independent business pursuits including tax preparers.  This work is almost always seeking compensation by cash and therefore would, and should, require a business license. 

For most business pursuits OUTSIDE of the entertainment industry, we are in complete agreement with the city.  If you are doing business within the physical limits of the city you should be required to purchase a license to do so.  And so you know, the same recent changes made by the city council have also made the requirements and the process a great deal easier for anyone who should purchase such a license. 

The only other option would be to move your legal address outside the city of Los Angeles (mailbox in Burbank?) and stay out of Los Angeles in your search for income.  By doing so you will no longer have your (formerly) personal tax information create this problem for you in the future. 

If you are an actor/performer here then are our suggestions as to how to reply to their request for information: 

  • You might indicate that the income was earned solely as an actor (if this is so.) 

  • That you didn't seek work to be paid as an independent contractor

  • You shouldn't be required to purchase a business license because you are being placed in this situation since the employers were allowed to get away with compensating you incorrectly. 

  • You were forced you to report that income under IRS rules that resulted in the city receiving that information erroneously and the city is using that information out of context.

If you want to become more aggressive you might indicate that a continuance of this policy will only further frustrate other actors and work against the goals of the city to keep entertainment related work within the city limits ("Surely it would not be the policy of the city to drive the industry out of the area just because the governmental agencies in charge of overseeing employment standards are inefficient in performing their responsibilities.) 

One additional note:  If a city employee asks to see a copy of your Schedule C to "confirm" what you are telling them, just say no.  If they had any right to see the Schedule C (again, your tax return is confidential information) they would have already received a copy, or at least the information it contains.  More importantly for you, your return, including the Schedule C, has private and privileged information that they have no reason to see.  The only form that the vast majority fill out without question does not require any information available on the Schedule C beyond how much you grossed, the type of business you were involved in and the address you claimed on the return.

We hope this helps.



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